Date Venue Category/City Fees (Inclusive Taxes)
27/09/2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Online 3835


As an HR professional, you need to thoroughly read and understand the definition and purpose of the EPF Act. Only then can you spread awareness about its eligibility criteria, entitlements and implications. There’s no better way to help your employees understand the value of EPF in their financial planning efforts.

This is normally seen that most of the employees and workers not properly aware about how properly maintain his or her UAN and PF account.  Also, they are operating this causally not understand the importance of its. But when they very need of it found them helpless and in very problematic situations.

The Workshop will focus on Some of the common problems employees face in PF & UAN, also how HR can better explain the eligibility criteria, entitlements and implications of the Act

  • Process For Transferring PF Amount From The Previous Account To Existing PF Account Using UAN Number
  • New employees have an issue filling pf his last 2 companies did not have a PF account but he has a previous PF account and UNA number
  • Employer Wants to Discontinue PF
  • EPF Withdrawal Process
  • Which employees are excluded from PF
  • What about arrears if one receives due to salary revision?
  • FORMS for PF and other Statutory contribution
  • Whether date of exit for previous job/employment is mandatory for applying for online transfer? What are the prerequisites for updation of date of exit?
  • How do I know/chec k if my PF amount has been transferred from my previous membe r IDs to my current membe r ID?
  • I want to file a PF transfer claim but I do not know if my past employer was exempted or un-exempted. How do I find out?
  • What happens to my gratuity eligibility and payment if I leav e a firm before five years?
  • Different components of salary structure
  • Difference between gross pay/CTC and net pay/ in-hand/take hom e pay
  • Flexible benefit components