This Treasury management and Hedging interactive course is designed to provide Treasury and Accounting and Finance professionals with practical knowledge of the essential elements of Treasury management.
Using case study methodology, computer simulations and worked examples, the attendees will learn how to apply appropriate tools and techniques in all areas of Treasury management in order to improve control, optimize asset utilization, reduce cost and better leverage staff.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Learn how to identify treasury exposures
- Be able to calculate and quantify interest rate and currency risk
- Gain an enhanced understanding of the importance of treasury risk management policies
- See the links between equity, commodity, interest rate and currency derivative hedging techniques
- Appreciate the differences between hedging in the forward, futures swaps and options markets
Treasury Management:
- Role of the treasury function in an organization
- Cash and working capital management
- Funding
- Investment
- Hedging
- Risk management
Cash Management:
- Techniques for managing cash balances and liquidity
- Cash forecasting and budgeting
- Pooling and netting
- Concentration
Forex Management:
- Understanding exchange rates
- Currency risk and exposure
- Types of Foreign exchange transactions
- Hedging techniques (Forward, Swap, Option)
- Managing currency risk through hedging strategies
Interest Rate Management:
- Understanding Interest rates
- Interest rate risk and exposure
- Interest rate derivatives (swaps, futures, options)
- Managing interest rate risk through hedging strategies
Financial Markets and Investment management:
- Understanding the financial markets (money, capital, and derivatives markets)
- Investment policies and guidelines
- Types of investments and their characteristics
- Portfolio management and optimization techniques
Hedging and Risk Management:
- Overview of financial risk
- Types of financial risks (credit, market, operational, liquidity)
- Measuring and monitoring risk
- Developing and implementing a risk management plan
- Stress testing and scenario analysis
Case Studies and Simulation Exercises