High-Impact Presentation Skills
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_tta_tabs style=”modern” color=”peacoc” spacing=”2″ active_section=”1″ no_fill_content_area=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Description” tab_id=”1458036450370-b3d4c9b5-c9a3″][vc_column_text]“The power of your presentation skills makes the difference between success and failureâ€Â
In this seminar, you’ll learn to communicate effectively and persuasively and become comfortable with your own style. Your presentations are videotaped and evaluated. You get expert one-on-one coaching at the end of your presentation. The presentation skills workshop are kept small and are in a supportive environment to allow for maximum engagement and learning. After taking this presentation skills workshop, you will be able to notice gains in effectively communicating your ideas, enhance personal and corporate image, and ultimately increase sales for your business.
How You Will Benefit
- Tailor your presentation to your audience
- Use relaxation techniques to overcome nervousness
- Learn how to project your voice and use pauses to dramatize your point
- Expertly handle difficult questions and situations
- Communicate with clarity and conviction
- Gain confidence in your presentation skills
What You Will Cover
- Balancing verbal and nonverbal messages so content is clear and memorable and you engage listeners
- Developing and organizing presentation content using an audience profile and set presentation parameters
- Turning a speech outline into notes
- Preparing to give the presentation by rehearsing, adhering to a time frame, and speaking from notes
- Reducing stress and speaker’s anxiety
- Using visual aids and support materials
- Handling questions from the audience
- Apply Stress Reduction Strategies Before a Presentation
- Explain the Importance of the Question-and-Answer Session
- Demonstrate How to Respond Professionally to Questions from the Audience
- Demonstrate How to Anticipate, Avoid, and Handle Equipment Problems
- Determine What Logistical Arrangements to Check
- Deliver Presentations in Small Group Setting, Video Recording and with Live Feedback
Seminar Outline
Learning Objectives
• Deliver Your Presentations with Confidence, Clarity, and Conviction
• Apply the Elements Essential to Planning, Practicing, and Presenting to Create Effective Presentations
• Utilize Best Practices to Maximize Your Presentation Strengths and Opportunities for Growth
• Use Relaxation Techniques to Overcome Nervousness
• Create an Audience Profile and Set Presentation Parameters
• Organize Your Information, Adhering to a Time Frame
• Apply Practice Strategies to Bring Vitality, Interest, and Clarity to Your Presentations
• Demonstrate the Synchronization of Verbal and Nonverbal Messages
• Create Engagement Using Verbal Impact and Interactivity[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How to Register” tab_id=”1458036450614-cdfff74e-842b”][vc_column_text]Timings: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm , Registration begins at 9:00 am
How to Register:
- Fees: Rs. 8,500/-+14.5% service tax per person.
- Please write to- register@princetonacademy.co.in/ Call -022 66976892/ 66976874
- Cheque Should be in favor of PRINCETON ACADEMY MUMBAI II PVT LTD
- Kindly register in Advance – Mention the name of participant, company, contact details
- Fees includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Target Audience” tab_id=”1461845982389-87df7cb2-b416″][vc_column_text]Who Should Attend
Everyone who needs to develop their presentation skills, speak in front of groups or sell ideas to others.
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