Best Corporate Training Company in mumbai – Princeton Academy 2022 


If you are looking for the best corporate training company in mumbai, you reached the right place.  

We are one of the top corporate training companies in mumbai, founded in 1997 with a keen desire to enable change and empowerment within organisations. For over 25 years, Princeton corporate trainings have been the recognized industry leader in corporate training and development. What started off as a pure corporate training company; soon evolved into a one-stop-shop for Executive education and Performance Coaching, Corporate Training, Group Facilitation, Content Creation, Leadership & Organisation Development and Client Consulting. We have also added Virtual Instructor Led corporate trainings to our basket of offerings, which helps reach out to a larger number of corporate clients. Training to Corporate Executives is not a desirable but an absolute essential activity, mostly employees look to HR for suitable corporate training interventions.  

Considering the changing market scenario, changes in technology, compliances, competitors’ strategies, consumer expectations and contingency planning, training to corporate executives & managers becomes critical and essential. Princeton Corporate Training India lists among the top leading soft skills training companies and top Corporate Training Companies and top leadership training companies in mumbai. Our clients range from SMEs to Fortune 500 multinational corporations. Our companies trust us with their corporate training requirements since they know that Princeton Corporate Training offers the single greatest way to affordably get their employees the training they need to succeed.  

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How to convince your boss for a corporate training 

Are you comfortable pitching an idea to your boss for a professional development opportunity? Whether it’s time off to enrol on a Corporate Training program, or funding for an online training and development program, it’s not always easy to “make the ask.” 

Want to grow professionally? Follow these tips to help gain your manager’s buy-in. 

Step into Your boss’s Shoes 

First of all, realise that your boss comes at this from a different vantage point than you do. In addition to the obvious potential barrier—cost—he or she also has to think about your workload while you’re away. There may also be other considerations, such as spreading out development opportunities equitably amongst your peers, if funding or staffing is tight. Although it’s not up to you personally to resolve these issues, it helps to understand where your boss is coming from before you make your pitch, so you can tailor your “ask” accordingly. 

Do Your Homework 

Before you set up a meeting with your boss, get your all your ducks in a row. If you’re well-prepared, it shows that you’re serious about the request. Estimate the costs of the event, associated travel expenses and any other tangible costs. In addition, create a plan that shows how your workload will be covered in your absence. Many skill development Institutes and companies that offer training programs have developed templates to help you make the case to your boss.  

How to “Make the Ask” 

When you meet with your boss, share your plan and ask for input. 

“Employees should keep in mind that their leadership isn’t evaluating just what the event is, they’re also evaluating the plan the employee has proffered,” says an executive coach  

In that regard, you should be prepared to answer questions such as: 

Also be ready to discuss: 

Demonstrate the Business Benefits of the corporate training program for employees 

The most important part of your plan is to demonstrate the business benefits of the corporate training program for employees to your department and your employer. 

The corporate training program you want to attend features technology that your department needs but has yet to figure out due to timing or cost constraints. You can offer to attend and then conduct a corporate training back at your office. Even if there isn’t a specific training output, you can always offer to write up a summary of what you learned at the corporate training course and present it at a team meeting. 

Take Ownership of Your Professional Development 

It’s a mistake to view professional development as an activity that’s orchestrated entirely by your boss. 

Most employees want their bosses to give them career advice and support, but most bosses don’t think that’s part of their job description. 

It’s not always up to the leader to dictate specific corporate training and development activities 

Employees who take initiative to present a well-thought-out plan for their corporate training definitely increase their chances of managerial buy-in. 

Corporate training and development opportunities are within your reach. With a bit of legwork, thought and planning, you can feel confident in presenting a plan to your boss or leadership.  

Even if you don’t get what you asked for, start thinking about ways you can reshape your request in the future. It’s good practice for pitching ideas in any part of your life—work, home, school or the community at large. 

Getting the maximum ROI on corporate trainings 

Are you enrolled on a corporate training program? Congratulations on making the case for your professional development. Continuing your education is a smart move because according to this Deloitte Consulting white paper, “lifelong reinvention” is an emerging trend in the workplace. The baby boomer generation is delaying retirement, which means competition for jobs will increase. Here’s how to make the most of your corporate training experience so that you can remain relevant in your career. 

Set yourself up for success 

Prior to attending your corporate training program (s), invest time in preparation. Doing the assigned pre-work is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly maximize your time away from work, set at least three learning goals for yourself. Consult with your work team leader to determine what learning outcomes they expect from the corporate training workshop. Check in with yourself as well: in your opinion, what would make the time well-spent? Frame the outcomes with language such as, “by the end of the corporate training course, I will have achieved/done [measurable outcome] so that [benefit statement].” 

Also remember the less-tangible, but still important, goal of networking at the corporate training conference. Many corporate training program participants report that one of the best parts of their experience was the opportunity to network with and learn from their peers. Sometimes attendee lists of the corporate training course are published in advance. If so, endeavor to learn about your classmates. Check out their company’s website or LinkedIn profiles to discover what you might have in common. If you’re shy, here’s a simple plan for working the room as an introvert. 

Find a way to collect what you learn 

One of the challenges of learning new things is figuring out how to stockpile the information at the corporate training course for future reference. Although there is no one “correct” way to collect what you learn, it’s essential to establish some sort of process that allows you to flag important items during the corporate training coursework so that you can find them later. Whether it’s logging things in Evernote, your company’s project management app or even old-school handwriting (which some studies suggest help aid in corporate learning retention), having a concrete plan will help you access what you learned at the corporate training course when you return to the office. 

Put the learning to use 

Use what you learn at the corporate training course as quickly as possible before “mental decay” sets in to help reinforce new ideas and skill sets. One of the best ways to fully learn a concept learnt at the corporate training course is to teach someone else to do it. So, if the course you attended lends itself to teaching others, ask if you can teach your team about what you’ve learned at the corporate training conference. 

Many corporate training programs are highly conceptual and may not offer you an immediate opportunity to practice concrete skills. Yet you can still practice what you learned at the corporate training seminar in a general sense, if you are creative. Offer to host a “lunch and learn,” where you lead a short discussion with interested individuals on the topic of the corporate trainings. For example, if you attend a corporate training program on leadership and learn a new model for coaching employees, immediately start to take notes on how to use the new model. Set daily or weekly reminders to revisit the coaching model for the first few weeks after the course. Make note of how you are incorporating the model into your daily activities. 

Demonstrate the ROI 

Corporate training programs are a significant investment for your organisation. So it’s imperative that you demonstrate that the company resources were well spent. There are many steps you can take to show your boss (and others) that your time away from the office was worth it. In a way, you are embarking on a low-key marketing campaign to promote the ROI of your corporate training program. Start by pre-selling your message. If your corporate training event is offsite, send a text or email during the corporate training course to say how valuable it. Then, when you return from the corporate training program, set up a meeting with your boss to review your key learnings. At that meeting, set up a few goals for using your new knowledge from the corporate training program, such as the training or mentoring suggestion listed above. 

As the weeks and months go on, it might be tempting to put that corporate training course learning “on the shelf” along with the three-ring binder that came with it. Don’t do it. True learners are always reflecting on their significant investments in corporate training. Check in with yourself at one-month intervals and ask, “how have I used the information I learned on my corporate training program?” If you continue to see benefit from what you learned, be sure to loop your boss in with an explanation. During a one-to-one meeting you might say, “I realised that I’m still using the XYZ method from the corporate training program I attended.” Doing this reinforces the message that a) you take corporate training seriously and b) the company’s money was well-spent. 

When you follow these suggestions for making the most of your upcoming corporate training experience, you are increasing the likelihood that the investment of your time—and the company’s resources—will be well-spent. You’re also setting yourself up for future success, and the likelihood that the boss will say “yes” the next time you ask to attend a corporate training event.