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Know your Statutory Obligations with Recent major changes in Laws
In India, the Federal structure of Constitution, paves way for both Central and State Governments to enact labour legislation. This has resulted in enactment of plethora of labour legislation. A Business Establishment may have to comply to as many as 44 Labour and Industrial Legislations for due compliance under these laws. Many of these laws are separate in each state and it becomes difficult for a business entity, having business stake in multiple states, to adopt and comply to these legislations.
Moreover, the Labour and Employment laws become more complex, to understand its applicability based on number of employees and their wage ceiling. The provisions within each Statute also differ based on number of workmen employed by a particular industry.
Therefore, it becomes imperative for a good complying organisation and a knowledgeable HR professional to understand and know its compliance requirement and obligations, to comply to all these Labour and Employment Laws, in letter and spirit.
Present program intends to update the HR Heads/ Executives/ Finance Heads/ Business Heads/ Manpower outsourcing organisations to be aware of the applicable Labour & Employment legislations and recent changes and updates, for prompt implementation to avoid any hassle in legal compliance.
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- Understanding the dynamic Labour and Industrial Law scenario in India and aligning your overall compliance requirement under various laws.
- Understanding key provisions and requirements under various Labour & Employment Laws including the New Labour Codes
- Know the Forms, Records, Registers to be maintained and Returns to be submitted under Labour and Employment Legislation
- Understand key obligation of Employers under Each Labour & Employment Law
- Know the Penal Provisions under each Act/ Rule, as applicable
- Understand key changes in labour Legislation – Maternity Benefit Act/ Payment of Bonus Act/Gratuity Act/ ESIC Act and EPF – Basic Wages.
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- Understanding the Legal Framework of Statutes – Acts/ Rules/ Forms for easy interpretation and implementation
2. Understanding the applicability of Labour and Industrial laws for manufacturing and services Sector
3. Overview of applicability, scope, coverage and important provisions of labour Laws in India
4. Know your compliance requirement at a glance under each labour law for effective compliance and monitoring ( separate under Factories Act and Shops & Establishment Act )
5. Penal provisions for non-compliance under the various Labour Laws
6. Recent Changes in Labour Laws – EPF & MP Act, Maternity Benefit Act, Payment of Bonus , Payment of Gratuity / ESIC Act etc. etc.,
7. The New Labour Codes – Code on Wages – 2019, Code on OSH&WC, Code on Industrial Relations, Code on Social Security.
8. Understanding various returns/ registers/ records to be maintained/ submitted under each Act/ Rule, with time frame.
9. Question and Answer session