Date Venue Category/City Fees (Inclusive Taxes)
12/07/2024 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Online 3835

Creating & Automating Daily & Monthly Reports including Presentations


In today’s evolving business world, having information at your fingertips is critical for driving quick decision making to enable ongoing business success.  Dashboard Reports are a one-page snapshot of the live results of a business that provide decision makers with quick and easy-to-understand real time insights and analysis that assists in improving business decision making.

They help managers to review the business operations on a regular basis, while highlighting the key issues, risks and trends in the business.

This workshop will help you design the Dashboards as well as make Data presentation that will help the audience to understand the story within the data, while placing the data in an appealing visual context and make sure your dashboard tells a compelling story,

Creating Daily & Monthly Reports: 

  • Summary Reports 
  • Trend Reports 
  • Exception Reports 
  • Commonly Generated Excel MIS Reports. 
  • Financial Reporting Use-Cases 
  • HR Reporting 
  • Sales Reporting 

Advanced Formulas and Functions: 

  • Advanced Logical
  • Advanced Lookup & Reference Functions

Advanced Conditional Formatting

Advanced Filters

Working on the large size files

Sparklines, Slicers & Timelines

Data ANALYSIS With:  

  • Goal Seek 
  • Scenario Analysis 
  • Data Tables 
  • Solvers 

Advanced Pivot Table Techniques 

Quicker and easier way of summarizing huge amount of disorganized data

  • PivotTable calculations
  • Using slicers in PivotTables
  • Conditional formatting in PivotTables
  • Creating PivotCharts


  • Bar Charts / Pie Charts / Line Charts 
  • Dual Axis Charts 
  • Dynamic Charting 
  • Other Advanced Charting Techniques 

EXCEL Dashboards 

  • Planning A Dashboard 
  • Adding Tables To Dashboard 
  • Adding Charts To Dashboard 
  • Adding Dynamic Contents To Dashboard 

MONTHLY REPORT Automation Using Macros