Remuneration Planning

Maximize take-home pay and Minimize tax outgo.


When negotiating terms of employment with a prospective employee, a higher take home salary works in the company’s favour. A well-structured salary package which maximizes take-home pay and minimizes tax outgo is better than a higher CTC to attract top talent.

Before taking a final call on a particular pay structure, considering employees’ long-term and short-term financial goals helps to retain talent. Modifying the tax structure can simultaneously impact the net take home and retirement corpus as some components of the package may not come to employees immediately and others may be either full taxable or tax-free.

Generally, the CTC can be broadly divided in four components— basic, allowances, perquisites and retirement benefits/contributions. Each component is treated in a different way for tax purposes and can impact the tax liability. The workshop will discuss Taxes on salary, remuneration planning, perquisite taxation, taxation of retirement benefits under the old and new tax regime.

Course Content

Remuneration planning under different situations

  • Remuneration planning to minimize employees’ tax liability. Making selection between regular tax regime and alternative tax regime.
  • Restructuring of present remuneration plan keeping in view present and future tax liability of employees.
  • Tax on different perquisites provided to employees (like – rent-free/concessional accommodation, car, driver, education, domestic servant, interest-free/concessional lo an, sweat equity shares, touring/travelling facility, gift, club facility, credit card facility, meal vouchers, refreshments, use of movable assets, transfer of movable assets, medical facility, leave travel concession).
  • Tax-free perquisites.
  • Tax planning devices – How to convert within legal parameter a taxable perquisite into tax-free perquisite or perquisite taxable at concessional rate.
  • Documentation required for including perquisites while calculating TDS
  • Documents needed from employees  for deductions as well as other income for proper computation.
  • TDS and taxation of retirement benefits (gratuity, leave encashment, provident fund, pension and voluntary retirement).
  • · Tax incentives that are available and not available.
  • Generate guidelines for your employees. – · When it is beneficial to opt for the regular tax regime or when tax liability is lower under the alternative tax regime:

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