panel_start Introduction panel_end

Rationale :

At present large number of countries in the world are in the grip of political and financial turmoil. This unstable political scenario is major cause of concern and worry to Indian Exporters. The problem will further aggravate post COVID arena.

Since non realization of export proceeds is viewed seriously by Reserve Bank of India and Banks, the problem gets compounded for exporters who end up facing huge losses in dealing with countries facing economic and political crises. The problem can be partly minimized by taking E.C.G.C cover. Unfortunately, knowledge on functioning of Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. (E.C.G.C) and awareness about its functioning and Role is lacking among exporter fraternity.

It is observed that in Import – Export Transactions where Insurance is to the account of Importers – Exporters, they tend to look only at cost implication and policy documents, totally unmindful of the rights and obligations involved. The effect of this neglect is felt in the event of unfortunate accident or contingency leading to claim.

Most of the Exporters – Importers are caught unaware and found lacking knowledge about risk coverage, modalities involved in lodging the claim and settlement there of including inspection procedure.

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Objective –

The objective of this webinar is to acquaint the participants with the nuances involved in Marine Insurance & to highlight the Role of E.C.G.C. to minimize the risk of non-realization of Export Proceed.

For whom –

The program would be of use and interest to all exporters and importers besides professionals and organisations involved with International Business.

panel_start Program content panel_end

  • E.C.G.C. the Organisation
  • Fundamental Principles of Credit Insurance
  • Commercial Comprehensive Risks (SCR) Policy
  • Risk
  • Political Risk
  • Risk Not Covered
  • Important Obligations of Exporters
  • Highlights
  • Claim Settlement and Procedure
  • E.C.G.C. Claims and Foreign Trade Policy
  • Exchange Control Regulations & E.C.G.C. Settled Claims
  • Meaning and need for Marine Insurance
  • Basic Principles of Marine Insurance
  • Marine Insurance & INCO Terms 2020
  • Types of policies and coverage
  • Claim Procedure and Types of Claim
  • Foreign Trade Policy Provisions and Settlement of Insurance Claim
  • Exchange Control Regulations & Marine Insurance
  • Miscellaneous.