Date Venue Category/City Fees (Inclusive Taxes)
09/08/2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Online 3835


Exporters and Importers need to have adequate knowledge of the rules and regulations laid down under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) conveyed by RBI through various circulars. These relate to manner of payment, time limit for export receipt / import payment and documents / evidence to be submitted to the bank for reconciliation of entries under EDPMS and IDPMS as stipulated by RBI. 

They should also familiarise themselves with various finance schemes available under Trade Finance for exporters and importers. 

This workshop will cover the various rules, regulations and procedures in FEMA Notifications and RBI Master Directions (Circulars) for proper monitoring of export and import payments. 

Course Content

  • Manner of receipt and permitted methods of payment relating to Exports as per FEMA 
  • Third party payments (for export / import transactions) permitted by RBI 
  • Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency Account (EEFC Account) 
  • Receipt of advance against exports – Time limit for shipment of goods 
  • Direct dispatch of documents by the exporter – Rules / Procedures to be followed 
  • Reduction in invoice value of exports/ discou nt allowable to overseas buyer 
  • Write-off of export dues in case of buyer’s insolvency or other valid reasons 
  • Set-off of export receivables against import payables 
  • Third Party Payment for Import Transactions 
  • Advance Remittance for Import of Goods – Need for Bank Guarant ee / SLBC 
  • Evidence of Import – Importance of Bill of Entry 
  • Procedures and guidelines relating to EDPMS and IDPMS