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Prevention of Remote Harassment

Workplace harassment comes in all forms.
At a glance, one might assume that the opportunities for harassment decrease when working from home.
Though, upon closer inspection, it is completely the opposite. The remote work environment opens up a whole new world of potential work from home harassment situations.
With this new working environment, people may be behaving differently and getting a little too casual, which could undermine respect norms. HR teams are responsible for regularly checking in on their employees to understand how working from home has affected workplace culture, for better or worse
HR and Legal teams need to be vigilant of new forms of disrespectful conduct.
This workshop will help HR teams put Safeguards in place to prevent or spot harassment situations in the remote work environment.ÂÂ
It will help Revise your harassment prevention policy to reflect new instances in which remote harassment might pop up, and communicate what exactly constitutes harassment.
In addition to Compliance issues this workshop will hone in on more niche topics, while reinforcing general workplace culture best practices.
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Course content
 The PoSH course, you will discover how you can handle sexual harassment issues and complaints. This hands-on training addresses the elements of handling and prevention of unacceptable behaviour. You will also get a detailed overview of the ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal)’ or the PoSH Act 2013.
Topics covered :
- Prevention of Remote Workplace Harassment
- Sensitizing about gender inequality
- POSH Policy – objectives, scope, Supreme Court’s definition; types of SHW; conduct of sexual nature – physical, verbal & nonverbal harassment; gender discrimination at workplace amounts to SHW
- Reasons for low reporting of SHWÂÂ
- Role functions and powers of SHW Committee & Sub CommitteeÂÂ
- Procedure to file complaints and Steps SHW victim should takeÂÂ
- How to conduct a formal enquiry; investigation process – interview both parties, and resolve the SHW claim, strategies when there are No eyewitness ÂÂ
- Consequences of policy violation to victim and to the harasser
- Malicious Complaint – to ensure no misuse of policy by women
- SHW offence under – a) Constitutional Law b) Civil Law c) Criminal Law & d) Service & Labour Law
- Understand the Vishakha judgement clausesÂÂ
- How colleagues can help