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In the Organization’s quest to meet competitive challenges of today and tomorrow- including globalization, technology, profitable growth, and capacity for change- the management of human resources holds the key to success.  People are the centre of all activities no matter what the business is & how large the organization.  Leveraging HR can create sustainable competitive advantage for high performing companies.

Most Managers get to leadership positions because they have proven their excellence as individual contributors in their areas of operations and specializations. But not many have had any formal or structured orientation to managing people. Yet, its people who build organizations, achieve results, strategize for growth and bring about change. New to management or a seasoned professional, this Workshop will help in learning and improving the essential skills that an effective manager must master in the arena of Human Resources. The program focuses on various dimensions of Human Resource which have immense utility in both short and long term.

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How You Will Benefit

  • Understand HR’s role as a vital contributor to your organization’s success
  • Discover strategies to attract and retain top talent
  • Examine best practices for managing performance and creating compensation, training and benefit systems that drive bottom-line results
  • Analyze HR issues and develop action plans you can implement in your organization
  • See how HR and non-HR functions in every organization can create an effective, complementary work environment

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The Role of HR and Organizational Assessment

Relationships and Gaining Trust

  • The importance of building relationships
  • How HR relates to non-HR functions
  • The business impact of improved relationships between HR and non-HR departments

Talent Acquisition, Alignment and Management

  • The importance of well-written job descriptions and when to revise them
  • Matching applicants with job requirements and responsibilities
  • Selection criteria, questioning techniques and background research
  • Aligning talent with the organization’s strategic vision
  • Development plans and goal setting
  • Opportunities for internal mobility
  • Communication and change management
  • Succession planning

Performance Management

  • Performance management components and guidelines
  • Respective roles among HR, managers and employees
  • Performance issues, counseling and discipline
  • Assessing talent with a diversity lens

Training & Talent Development

  • Training responsibilities
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Career development
  • Leadership development

Talent Measurement/Compensation

  • Year-end performance review system
  • Characteristics of an effective compensation system

Talent Retention and Transition

  • Employee retention strategies
  • Talent transition
  • Team Leaders and Project Leaders
  • Senior and Middle level managers in Finance, Production, Operations and Marketing functions.
  • Unit Heads, Plant Heads and Manufacturing Site In-charges
  • Managers who play multiple roles including HR but do not have formal HR orientation

panel_start How to Register panel_end

  • Fees: Rs. 3,500/- + 18% GST Per Person 
  • Please write to 
  • Call or WhatsApp on 9769963790 / 9769579090
  • Mention the name of participant, company, contact details.
  • You will Receive a Certificate of course completion
  • The course structure will be just like in the face to face workshops.