The current market being volatile and extremely competitive, managers are required to be adept at conducting Performan ce Appraisals. The key to a successful performan ce review lies in the ability of managers to give constructive feedback on employee performan ce. It is also important for the manager to get the buy-in of subordinates to willingly work with the manager towards reaching future goals. With evaluations necessitating such dynamic skills, the need for
Key Areas to be covered :
- Describe the Appraisal Process
- Describe Performanc e Management
- Goal Setting and Smart Goals
- Appraisal Roles HR and Line Managers
- Some Appraisal Tools
- Explain and illustrate the problems to avo id in appraising performan ce.
- Perform an effective appraisal interview with their direct report
- Performan ce management, the tools and their benefits
- Detailed Appraisal Process
- Principles of effective performan ce appraisal discussions
- Organisation’s performance appraisal process
- Goal Setting and Smart Goals
- Structuring and introducing the appraisal meeting
- Appraisal Roles – HR and Line Managers
- Appraisal Tools
- Evidencing performan ce
- Questioning, listening and giving feedback
- Explain and illustrate the problems to avoi d in appraising performan ce.
- Perform an effective appraisal interview
- Reviewing internal performan ce appraisal documentation
- Providing follow up to the appraisal and frequency