September 15 to 17 – JW Marriott, Mumbai


Globally Acclaimed Top Expert on Competency Facilitates and Certifies:

Robert Emmerling a co-author with Daniel Goleman, co-facilitator and researcher with Lyle Spencer in Competency Assessment, would be the lead facilitator at this workshop and certify participation on behalf of Competency International.

Competency Assessment A Business Need:

  • Hiring must be on Competencies and not based on Intuition. Errors in selection cost organizations dearly.
  • Competency Based Promotions and Placements ensure job and person fit and ensures superior performance. HR and Senior Executives can use Competency Based Interviews to maximize best fit ensuring better human motivation and superior business results.
  • Understand the process of competency modeling for multiple roles to ensure that we focus on the right competencies for training and development curriculums. Executives, HR officers, Executive Education experts could use it for identifying skill gaps and training needs
  • Coaches and Mentors need a hypothesis for coaching. The Hypothesis should reflect the strength and areas of opportunities for the employee. Competency Based Interview would create robust hypothesis.
  • Learn techniques for assessing the Return on Investment (ROI) or competency-based programs.

Critical Incident Interviewing skills

Key to any effort to recruit and select individuals is a valid and reliable asessment of the individual social and emotional competencies demonstrated by superior leaders in a given role or department.

The Critical Incident Interview (CII) is the core tool used in competency needs assessment and individual assessment and is ideally suited to detect differences between individuals in the key areas of social and emotional intelligence. The CII protocol asks people to describe, in considerable short story narrative detail, the most critical incidents (the 5% which account for 95% difference of their performance results) on their jobs.

Critical Incident Interviews produce data that can be systematically assesses for Competencies and other situational Factors such as:

  • What was the situation (what do superior v. average performers consider critical situations?).
  • How the interviewees become involved in the incident (proactive, took initiative to make something happen or reactive, responded to situation presented).
  • Who else was involved in the incident (i.e. just self, direct reports, other teams or top management, customers, contractors, government officials, external professional organizations)
  • What the interviewee observed, paid attention to, sought information about.
  • What the interviewee wanted to accomplish in the situation.
  • How the interviewee felt (e.g. self confidence, self-control,optimism v. depression, challenged vs. overwhelmed– and how these feelings were dealt with).
  • What the interviewee thought about what they observed.
  • What the interviewee actually did in response to specific situations.
  • What outcomes did the interviewee consider critical or significant.

The Critical Incident Interview has a number of unique advantages

1. The ability to identify and understand the unique expression of competencies in any cultural or organizational context. By contrast, survey instruments only find what their items ask about.

2. Ability to see the expression of competencies in the context of specific tasks associated with key roles within the organization. In this way, the process provides insight into how individual competency profiles might fit changing roles and responsibilities.

3. The process produces compelling qualitative information which can be incorporated into executive summaries to promote understanding of how competencies manifest. Specific vivid stories provide powerful examples for communication of what situations and competency behaviors are like in an organizations specific environment and make for excellent content for case studies and simulations to be used in training and developing specific competencie

Target Audience:

  • Consultants for building Competency Models and Assessing Competencies
  • Executive Coaches would be able to create the framework and hypothesis for coaching on a scientific basis
  • Professionals in HR, Performance Management, Training, and Organizational Development.
  • Executives involved in Selection / Recruitment Interviewing will find this workshop valuable and improve recruitment quality.
  • Participants in the course will find their ability to uncover vital information from candidates will improve, enabling a more informed selection process and therefore better hiring decisions.
  • An enhanced ability to ‘sell’ the opportunity to the candidate will result in higher acceptance rates of employment offers made, and therefore a better outcome in attracting a winning team of employees.

Detailed Program Agenda

Day 1 Day 2
Registration and Welcome Coffee Welcome Coffee
Introduction Module 4: Critical Incident Interviewing (CII)
Module 1: Introduction to Competencies 4.0 Basics of Critical Incident Interviewing
1.0 Competencies as a Behavioral Approach to Emotional Intelligence 4.1 How to Use Thematic Analysis to Code Interview Data.
1.1 Historical Background and Recent Research Using a Competency-Based Approach 4.2 What is Codable in an Interview and What is Not.
1.2 How Motives Relate to Competencies and Job Performance Morning Tea
Morning Tea 4.3 Skill Practice – CII (Interview Warm-Up)
Module 2: Overview of Competency Model Development Process 4.4 Skill Practice – CII (Positive Incidents)
2.0 Overview of a six-step process for identifying and assessing key competencies Lunch
2.1 Applied case studies 4.5 Skill Practice – CII (Negative Incidents)
2.2 Introduction to Competency Models Afternoon Tea
Lunch 4.6 Dealing with Common Interview Problems
Module 3: Defining and Assessing Competencies 4.7 Session Wrap-up and review
3.0 Defining and assessing Achievement-Related Competencies
3.1 Defining and assessing Teamwork and Interpersonal Competencies
Afternoon Tea
3.2 Defining and Assessing Leadership Competencies
3.3 Defining and Assessing Managerial Competencies
3.4 Defining and Assessing Cognitive and Intrapersonal Competencies
3.5 Session Wrap-up and Review
Day 3
Module 5: Coding Critical Incident Interview Data
5.1 Developing a Competency Indicator Checklist
5.2 Skill Practice – Using the Competency Indicator Checklist
Morning Tea
5.2 Skill Practice – Using the Competency Indicator Checklist
Module 6: Competency Modeling
6.0 Role / Task Analysis – Identify Key or Pivotal Jobs
Afternoon Tea
6.1 Determining the Standard Deviation of Performance
6.2 Identifying Human Factors Underlying Performance Variability
6.3 Session Wrap-up and Review

Why Become Certified?

1.Be able to better quantify your contribution to the mission of your organization.

At times it seems as though investments in HR interventions lie outside the normal business criteria applied to any other investment decision. You will learn to make realistic ROI forecasts related to your proposed interventions and learn techniques to conduct credible ROI analysis of your competency-based programs.

2.Improve your ability to recruit and select high potential talent.

Our proven techniques have been validated in both academic and applied settings as capable of providing a reliable and valid assessment of the competencies demonstrated more often and more completely by star performers.

3.Improve your credibility and your own level of professional development and satisfaction.

Being able to show tangible results of your efforts to recruit, select and develop top performers will enhance your reputation and your own level of job satisfaction as you begin to see the tangible results of the application of these methods.


Dr. Robert Emmerling

Dr. Robert Emmerling is a leading expert in the assessment and development of competencies and emotional intelligence in the workplace, and has spent his career as a consultant, researcher and trainer specializing in this area.

Since 1997 he has been working on the cutting-edge of competency-based research, assessment and training with premier thought leaders in the field, such as Drs. Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Lyle Spencer.

Through his work as a member of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, a group founded by Dr. Daniel Goleman, he has been involved in some of the most influential work in the field of competencies and emotional intelligence.

In addition to competencies and emotional intelligence, he also specializes in the areas of leadership assessment and development, executive coaching, 360-degree feedback, career change, organizational development, change management, program evaluation, and instructional design.

Dr. Emmerling is also co-editor of the book Emotional Intelligence: Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives, publishedin 2008 by Nova Science Publishersand is the author of articles published in the Journal of Management Development, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Journal of Career Assessment, and Leadership Excellence. He is a visiting professor of Human Resource Management at ESADE (Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain) and conducts applied research within the Leadership Development Research Centre (GLEAD) at ESADE. In addition, he is a guest lecturer in the Master Program of Emotional Intelligence in Organizations at the University of Barcelona.

Robert holds a Doctorate in Organizational Psychology from Rutgers University and is a member of and the Indian Forum for Emotional Intelligence Learning.

Co-facilitator bio

Mr. Ashis Sen

He is working as Dy. General Manager (Training & Balanced Scorecard) at HPCL and is the Vice Chairman of Forum for Emotional Intelligence Learning (

Mr Sen is the India Coordinator for Society for Organizational Learning (SOL) and one of the first members at Execution Premium Council at Palladium for Balanced Scorecard Implementation.

Mr. Sen has conducted workshops & Delivered talks on Strategy, Balanced Scorecards, Emotional Intelligence, Vision Building, Competency Assessment and Leadership at various forums like CII, TISS, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozikode, RCF, Strategy Management Group at Scope, Ratakos Brett & Co Ltd, IPE Hyderabad, PHDCC Delhi & also at various international forums including BSC forum at IIRME, Dubai, A & M University, Texas USA, EI Consortium Boston USA etc.

Mr. Sen has actively participated in building a Harvard Business School, Case Study : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.: Driving Change through Internal Communication. Several of his articles have been published in International Magazines including at Reflections & Systems Thinker, Balanced Scorecard Report published by Harvard Business Publishing, Human Factor, Petrotech amongst other leading journals.

how to register




Fees: Rs. 85,000/-
+12.36 % service tax per person

Please write to / Call -022 66976892
Mention the name of participant, company, contact details .
Cheque favouring Princeton Academy Mumbai II Pvt. Ltd. payable at Mumbai.
Fees includes lunch, tea, course material etc.