Digital Forensic and e-Discovery -ÂÂ
Including Legal Perspective
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Description” tab_id=”1471339588640-175fbeb6-4a46″][vc_column_text]In today’s Internet-dependent business environment, a lot of organization’s data and information is held in digital format. As business has moved to the digital space the criminals have followed and we are seeing an increase in frauds and criminal activity happening in the digital space. With data running into terabytes finding evidence of criminal activity is like finding a needle in the haystack. That is where e-forensics comes in. It helps you to gather the e-evidence which then can be presented in court to put criminals behind bars.
There is not only lack of awareness and understanding about Digital forensics but also a lack of trained manpower and resources. This is a big challenge for legal firms, banks and financial organisations, e-commerce firms, regulatory and security agencies today. It will increasingly become a bigger as the march into the digital world continues. The days of the overworked investigators pouring over reams of paper and performing manual examinations will soon see a sea change to one of digital savvy managers using digital forensic techniques on multiple electronic devices soon. This seminar will expose the participants to the challenges, the laws, and the techniques of Digital forensics with case studies and hand on training on some of the latest software’s used.
Course Content:
• Background, History and Emergence of Digital Forensics
• The Indian Legal Perspective for Electronic Data and e-Commerce
o Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 & dealing with theft under the IT Act
o Indian Evidence Act 1872,
o the Indian Penal Code, 1860
o Banker & Book Evidence Act, 1891
o Indian Contract Act, 1872
• Introduction to Digital Forensics
o The participants will be exposed to some of the latest techniques of digital forensics and its relevance and use within civil and criminal cases, including computer forensics, mobile phone forensics and cell site analysis.
• Introduction to eDiscovery
o The finer details of eDiscovery will be broken down for better understanding the process. Also covered will be the benefits of its utilisation and extensive use within civil litigation and dispute resolution and in due diligence
• Advanced Analytics & Technology Assisted Review
o The many different technological component parts of eDiscovery will be presented. This seminar will also explore some of the solutions and how they can be beneficial within a civil investigation.
• Case Studies
o Some recent case studies where e-forensics have been successfully undertaken with the core facts and figures involved, including best practises and the type of eDiscovery software used.
• Summary and Q – A Session
o The seminar will conclude with an overview of the day’s activities and allow for delegates to raise their own questions in more detail[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Faculties” tab_id=”1471339588809-804ac4d0-cc0a”][vc_column_text]Faculty: World renowned digital forensic experts and one of India’s leading lawyer
Mr. Ryan Farber
- Ryan possesses a law based education and oversees all high profile civil litigation cases in Cyfor which is a bespoke digital forensic firm having it roots in UK. He is also responsible for all operational aspects of business at Cyfor.
- He a world renowned expert in Digital forensics, and regularly presents informative seminars to lay audiences as well as high profile law firms across the world.
Mr. Keith Cottenden
- Keith is the Technical Director at CYFOR a world leader in digital forensics. He is responsible for all forensic operations within Cyfor, and has dealt with several complex evidential and legal issues.
- His exemplary career includes 22 years in the Royal Air Force Police, specialising as a Counter Intelligence and Information Security investigator.
- He is a widely respected and industry renowned digital forensic expert who regularly instructs and appears as witness in significant litigation cases in UK and Europe.
Mr. Prem Rajani
- Prem is the founding partner of Rajani Associates with more than 25 years of experience. A LL.B. graduate for Mumbai, he subsequently passed the Solicitors examination both from Bombay Law Society and later from London Law Society.
- While Structuring and Mergers and Acquisitions is an area which excites Prem, he has a lot of experience in the specialized fields of conveyance and litigation too. He also an expert in Foreign exchange laws like FEMA and FDI policy.
- Prem has been recognized as a “Leading Lawyer†by several leading local and international law forums like Chambers and Partners, IFLR1000, AsiaLaw Profiles, Legal 500 just to name a few.
- Rajani Associates render services across various spectrum of legal services, including, capital market, PE, M&A, banking & finance, real estate & trust, litigation & arbitration, project & project finance, etc
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Fees: Rs. 8,500/- + 15 % service tax per person.
- Please write to register@princetonacademy.co.in / Call -022 66976892
- Mention the name of participant, company, contact details .
- Cheque favoring Princeton Academy Mumbai II Pvt. Ltd. payable at Mumbai.
- Fees includes lunch, tea, course material etc.