Leadership Skills
(Emotional Intelligence & Psychology)
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_tta_tabs color=”sky” active_section=”1″ no_fill_content_area=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Description” tab_id=”1500293792075-1cc061c3-6d41″][vc_column_text]Strategize for Success!
In today’s business world, your ability to master the key components of strategic management and create a competitive advantage for your company is critical. Learn to identify and analyze the internal and external sources that can impact your organization’s competitive position and develop strategies to access these sources for profitability. Create superior performance opportunities for you and your firm by exploiting key success factors in both internal and external environments. Understand why firms win or lose in competitive markets, the reasons for good or bad firm performance and the role that firm strategy plays in creating strong organizational successes.
What You’ll Learn
Creating Unique Value
- How to create effective strategies even in the absence of valuable resources
- Why mission statements are so important
- Outsourcing strategies and considerations
- How greed and distrust destroy value
- What the characteristics of successful companies teach us about profitability
Foundations of Value Creation and Value Capture
- How to combine resources, establish dynamic capabilities and sustain advantages
- What affects value creation from the consumer’s perspective
- Who captures the most value from innovation
Strategic Value Propositions
- How to achieve a competitive advantage with a good business strategy
- Low cost strategy advantages and reconfiguring the value chain
- Ways to distinguish your firm’s value proposition from competitors
- Strategies for increasing consumer willingness to pay
The Effect of Market Structure on Firm Profitability
- How environment factors and trends play a role
- Five market forces that affect profitability in every industry
- The impact of substitutes and complementary products
- How to switch costs and insulate your income stream from rivals
Surviving Market Transitions
- How industry dynamics and stages of rivalry impact the industry lifecycle
- Skills to survive emergence stage risks and the shakeout between growth and maturity
- What you can do to respond to natural decline and survive threats
Responding to Disruptive Events
- The nature of different types of technological disruptions
- How technological innovation causes industry disruptions and changes the value proposition
- Competitive dynamics in slow, fast, and standard cycle markets
- Why market commonality is important
- Industry mapping and the importance of strategic groups to strategic choice
- Ways to better understand your competitors
Going Global
- How to manage and transfer competitive advantages in the global arena
- Strategies for balancing opportunity against opportunism when entering foreign markets
- What risks exist when entering a foreign market
- How to overcome market failure
- How to balance tradeoffs in managing a global business
The method of learning would be through structured inputs, presentations, case studies and articles, book chapters from Harvard. Several individual and sub-group exercises would ensure high retention from the learning process and enhanced ability to practice the learning in the work environment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Target Audience” tab_id=”1500293792125-96b6c4e5-f9d3″][vc_column_text]
- Executives working in Strategy Department
- HODs
- Sales Managers
- Team Leaders entrusted to monitor goals and targets of team members
- HR personnel involved in PMS
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How To Register” tab_id=”1500293959019-a135f7b4-e24a”][vc_column_text]
- Fees: Rs. 14,650/- + 18% GST per person.
- Please write to register@princetonacademy.co.in / Call -022 67256200
- Provide Below Details for Registration :
- Name of the participants:
- Company Name and Address(For Invoicing):
- Contact details of Participants (Email ID & Number):
- GSTN Number:
- Cheque favouring Princeton Academy Mumbai II Pvt. Ltd. payable at Mumbai.
- Fees includes lunch, tea, course material etc.
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- Fees: Rs. 14,650/- + 18% GST per person.
- Please write to register@princetonacademy.co.in / Call -022 67256200
- Provide Below Details for Registration :
- Name of the participants:
- Company Name and Address(For Invoicing):
- Contact details of Participants (Email ID & Number):
- GSTN Number:
- Cheque favouring Princeton Academy Mumbai II Pvt. Ltd. payable at Mumbai.
- Fees includes lunch, tea, course material etc.