Date Venue Category/City Fees (Inclusive Taxes)
18/07/2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Online 5015


In our rapidly changing workplaces, Managerial and Supervisory skills apply to more people than ever before. You may be overseeing a project that requires you to coordinate several team members or you may be occupying a traditional management role. Whatever your job title, this precious ability to bring out the best in people will be a vital part of success.

Through role-playing, self-assessment tests and other managerial training scenarios, you’ll explore leadership roles as strategist, change agent, coach, manager, communicator, mentor and team member. And you’ll learn how to develop your unique Supervisory style for maximum impact.

Managerial & Supervisory Role

  • Identify qualities and abilities required for effective management
  • Understand your role and responsibilities as a manager and supevisor
  • Learn to transition from individual contributor to manager
  • Know how to work effectively with a multigenerational workforce
  • Understand the nuances when managing remote teams and across the matrix

Delegation for Growth and Development

  • Identify the Importance of, and the Barriers to, Effective Delegation
  • Assess Your Current Delegation Practices
  • Identify What Can—and Can’t—Be Delegated
  • Describe the Phases of Effective Delegation
  • Process for Conducting a Delegation Discussion

Mastering Your Managerial Style

  • Characteristics and Competencies of Effective Managers
  • Application of NewLeadershipTheories and Principles
  • Defining YourLeadershipPreference Style –(Self-assessmentLeadershipProfile)
  • Re-balance YourSupervisory Style for Optimal Results

Decision Making and Strategic thinking

  • Best practices for proble m-solving
  • Risk management
  • Making decisions aligned with organizational goals

Leading with Emotional Intelligence and Greater Self-Awareness

  • Role of Emotional Intelligence inLeadership
  • Achieving Leadership Emotional Excellence
  • Developing skills in self-awareness, empathy, and influence
  • Growing your Inner Personal Power and Positive Attitude

Communication skills, Art of Influence, Persuasion & Motivation

  • Powerful Interpersonal Skills with employees, stakeholders, and customers
  • Principles of Influence & Persuasion
  • Powerful Techniques to motivate and engage your teams
  • Relationship building and networking
  • Managing Conflict & overcoming objections
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • The Art of Win-Win Negotiation

Leading High Performing Teams

  • Team Dynamics: High Performing Team
  • Understanding and Optimising Team Member Styles
  • Igniting Team Creativity
  • Fostering Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Leading and Influencing Others through Change

Coaching, Mentoring & Managing People Performance

  • Managing the Performance of Others
  • Conducting Effective Performance Discussions
  • The Art of Practical Coaching and Mentoring
  • Powerful Feedback for Greater Performance

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