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Course Outcomes

  • Value of collaboration in organizations.
  • Outline Conditions that must exist for teams to work collaboratively.
  • Provide teams with tools that encourage collaboration during meetings, decision-making sessions, and other gatherings where the group is tasked with solving problems.
  • Offer tactics for identifying and addressing conflict.
  • Suggest a multitude of methods to spawn ideas, improve reasoning, and evaluate the viability of different initiatives.
  • Trust, change, self-awareness, authority, decision making, communication, role definition, rewards, and reflection.
  • Motivating and directing employees to optimize workplace productivity.

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Program Objectives

At this program’s conclusion, participants should be able to:

• Explain the benefits and drawbacks of collaborating.

• Calculate the rate of return for working collaboratively.

• Understand the life cycle of collaborative teams.

• Identify a common purpose,

• Encourage high-trust relationships with colleagues and clients.

• Build consensus.

• Manage accountability.

• Overcome barriers that typically arise during the collaboration process.

. Run meetings effectively and communicate the team’s progress.

• Find opportunities to innovate and problem solve.

• Use a range of tools to guide decision making.

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Easing Friction Through Cooperation

  • 8 aspects of collaboration.
  • Participants identify any changes that should occur to encourage collaboration

The Look and Sound of Collaboration

  • Collaboration exercises.
  • Participants tackle a range of challenges where they work together in small teams to solve problems.
  • Discuss observable behaviors associated with collaboration

Impediments on the Road to Collaboration

  • Behaviors and conditions that lead to dysfunction on a team.
  • Common problems and solutions to each.
  • Trust, change, self-awareness, authority, decision making, communication, role definition, rewards, and reflection.

Jump Start Your Meetings

  • Meetings – a central tool for any team that regularly collaborates.
  • Explores techniques for improving the process of conducting meetings and how groups work together.
  • Establishing ground rules and norms to enforcing agreed-upon behaviors.
  • Actions to transform meetings into effective collaboration sessions.

Resolving Conflicts

  • Conflicts arise during the collaboration process. Resolving a conflict requires an understanding of its components and sources.
  • New way of looking at conflict and options available for working past both personality-driven and issue driven disagreements.

Fill Up Your Think Tank

  • To improve a group’s performance, you have to grow its ability to think and see issues from a variety of viewpoints.
  • This portion of the workshop focuses on techniques for improving idea generation, reasoning, and decision making.
  • participants will practice using multiple tools: ideation techniques, affinity diagrams, scoreboards, and decision matrices.

Still Under Warranty: Practice Routine Maintenance

  • best practices for team collaboration
  • Action planning.
  • identify the changes they will put into practice in their workplace,
  • Implementation process
  • Monitor progress

panel_start How to Register panel_end

  • Fees: Rs. 3,500/- + 18% GST Per Person 
  • Please write to 
  • Call or WhatsApp Vikaus on 9769963790 / 9769579090
  • Mention the name of participant, company, contact details.
  • You will Receive a Certificate of course completion
  • The course structure will be just like in the face to face workshops.ÂÂ