(Provident Fund, ESI, Bonus , Gratuity & Highlights on Code on
Wages 2019 & Statutory Compliance)
Course Content
1. The Employees’ Provident Funds And Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
- How to Calculate Pension under Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995?
- How to Calculate EDLI (Employee Deposited Linked Insurance) as per amendment under PF Act?
- What is the minimum and maximum amount of EDLI is payable under PF Act?
- What is the interest rate declared for year Yr. 2022-23?
- Under PF in the year 2021 – 2022, and onwards if employees contribution is more than Rs.2,50,000/- then whether on additional contribution, whether TDS will be deducted?
- PF dues payment has to be made on or before which date?
- What is Interest and Damages rat e for delay payment of contribution?
- If any employee has joined his first employment after 1st Sept, 2014 and his salary is more than Rs.15,000/- (Basic +DA) then pension contribution has to be deducted or not?
- Latest Update on Provident Fund as per the Finance Minister Budget for 2021
- 2022: There will be no impact of TDS for those contributing up to Rs. 20,833/- pm (Rs. 2.50 lakh pe r yea r) AND detailed comparison (calculation) of interest, if monthly contribution paid is more than (Rs. 20,833/-)
2. Employees’ State Insurances Act, 1948
- How to count 10 person’s for applicability of ESI Ac t, as per recent amendments under ESI Ac t for Shops and Establishment in Maharashtra State?
- ESIC: – Documents for Registration / obtaining Code Number.
- What is the increase coverable limit of ESI w.e.f from 1st January 2017?
- Detail study on various benefit under ESI Scheme (Total 10 Benefits)
- ESI is applicable on which Salary/wages component?
- Which allowances are excluded under ESIC?
- Under ESI Ac t, how many weeks, maternity benefits are payable?
- Under ESI Ac t, how many weeks benefits for miscarriage are payable?
- ESI dues payment has to be made on or before which date?
- What is Interest and Damages rat e for delay payment of contribution?
- An employee covered under ESIC has expired at his residence (natural death) whether his family members are entitled for Funeral expenses & Pension also?
3. Payment of Gratuity Ac t, 1972
- When Gratuity is applicable and payable?
- How to calculate payment of gratuity?
- Gratuity is payable on which components of salary?
- What is the maximum limit under the Gratuity Ac t, for which Incom e tax exemption can be claimed?
- Whether Employer can pay more amount of Gratuity then prescribed under the Ac t? If yes under what circumstances?
4. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
- Bonus is payable on which components of salary?
- Minimum number of attendances required for eligibility of Bonus .
- Bonus is Payable on Rs. 7,000/- or minimum wages under schedule employment when Basic + DA is Rs. 25,000/-
- Whether monthly Bonus is payable under the Bonus Ac t? If yes, then how?
- What is salary/wages (Basic + D.A) limit and on what amount Bonus is calculated.
5. The Code on Wages 2019
- Detail Highlights on Ne w Code on Wage, 2019
- Under Ne w Code on Wages, 2019, what will be the percentage of Basic + D.A. + Retention Allowances?
- What will be impact on take home salary?
- Whether Labiality under Payment of Gratuity will be increase for Old Employees?
- What will be the last date for making payment of salary / wages under Code on Wage, 2019, if number of employees are more than 1000?
Timings: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Registration begins at 9:30 am