A unique Workshop on

Becoming a Resonant Leader

First Time Live in India

Ranked as one of the top 10Â Most Influential International thinkers in HR

Best Selling Author, Primal Leadership& Resonant Leadership

Prof. Richard Boyatzis

True Leaders create resonance, an aura of sync in tune with others thoughts and emotions. They are awake, aware and attuned themselves, to others, and to the world around them. They commit to their beliefs, stand strong in their values, and live full passionate lives. In unusual circumstances they turn inward in order to reemerge with a created rather than an inherited sense of identity.

When Leadership is resonant, followers become upbeat and enthusiastic and vibrate with the leaders.

This course will provide the following: A process for developing sustainable improvement in EI, resonant leadership, and sustaining performance through hope, compassion, mindfulness, and playfulness.

 The understanding that coaching with compassion is effective in helping people change in sustainable ways but coaching for compliance is not.

How to coach others to develop Emotional Intelligence, Resonant leadership and to sustainably change.


12th February session – by Top Indian Leaders

13th February by Prof. Richard Boyatzis

  • Resonant leadership (with exercise)
  • Stress and renewal (with exercise in mindfulness)
  • Role of mindfulness, hope, compassion and playfulness in renewal and
    building resonant relationships
  • Role of EI/SI in effective leadership
  • How people sustainably change (with exercise in mindfulness, compassion, and
  • Intentional Change Theory
  • Positive (PEA) and Negative Emotional Attractors (NEA) and the role of
    coaching with compassion
  • Multilevel nature of sustained, desired change
  • Function of the Ideal, Self and Shared Vision in stimulating the PEA and


  • Inspirational Leadership
  • The art of team work and collaboration by social awareness and relationship management.
  • To be aware of our motions drives and aspirations for better decisions making and creating meaningful work.
  • The art of integration IQ and EQ
  • To develop oneself and others for improved individual an organizational performance and effectiveness.
  • Understand the concepts of Self Directed learning.

 Target Audience Â

  • CEO & Board Level Executives
  • CFOs & CXOs
  • Project & Team Leaders
  • HR Officers from all levels
  • Mentors, Trainers & Coaches
  • Marketing, Finance & Operation Executives
  • Professors at All Industries
  • All Faculty at Management Institutions
  • Research Scholars
  • Medical Practitioners & Doctors


Prof. Richard Boyatzis


Richard Boyatiz



  • Â Author and Professor Richard Boyatzis is one of the world’s foremost authorities on leadership development and Emotional intelligence (EI).Â
  • A Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestseller, Primal Leadership has been translated into 28 languages.Â
  • Boyatzis is the H.R. Horvitz Professor of Family Business and Professor of Organization Behavior at Case Western Reserve University and a Visiting Professor at ESADE in Barcelona. A frequent lecturer throughout Europe and the US, he has written over 150 articles on leadership, motivation, behavioral change, emotional intelligence, and managerial competencies.Â
  • Former President and CEO of McBer & Company, he holds his B.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard. He has consulted to Fortune 500 companies, educational and health organizations, government agencies, and companies around the world on leadership and team development, competency assessment, organizational change, R&D productivity, and performance appraisal.Â
  • Boyatzis current research employs his established Intentional Change Theory (ICT) to predict how changes will occur within an organization, specifically examining neural responses to effective leadership and coaching. He describes his work as an exploration of “how and why people change. It is a way of thinking about your talent, who you are, and what you want to do with it. My hope,” he says, “is that we can rediscover the power of the human spirit.”Â
  • He is former Chair of Case department of Organizational behavior and former associate Dean of Executive education Programs in their Weatherhead school of management .His main areas of research are adult development and leadership.Â
  • His articles in Harvard Business Review like the Biology of Leadership have been treated trend setters in Leadership Development.

 Timings: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, Registration begins at 9:00 am

 How to Register:

  • Fees: Rs. 20,000 /- +12.36 % service tax per person
  • Please write to register@princetonacademy.in / Call -022 66976892
  • Mention the name of participant, company, contact details .
  • Cheque favouring Princeton Academy Mumbai II Pvt. Ltd. payable at Mumbai.
  • Fees includes lunch, tea, course material etc.